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Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Hot Dog Nuggets

I am so fevered to apportion this recipe with you guys today! It's a instruction that is SO rounded to tidy and one the kids dead treasured. In fact, we've already prefab it twice this month. ?? It's for Hot Dog Nuggets! I had spotted a quasi recipe in one of my many Paula Deen magazines and knew I had to render it a try. 

Hers seemed a young writer complicated, so I welcome to make it many rounded.
Hot Dog Nuggets #lunch

  • 5 hot dogs
  • 1 can crescent rolls
  • ketchup and mustard for dipping

Instructions :
  1. Solon by preheating you oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Helping your hot dogs into capillary pieces (ours were about half advance apiece). Set parenthesis.
  3. Swan out your lunate dough and force the seams unitedly.
  4. Cut into 8 strips. Then cut lengthwise into 8 author strips. You should end up with 64 1.5 inch x .5 inch pieces.
  5. Wrapper the hot dogs in the lunate pieces and station on a lambskin cover unsmooth baking tack.
  6. Heat for 8 to 9 proceedings. Couple enthusiastic. Savour!

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Hot Dog Nuggets
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