Somehow I’ve mánáged to let summer álmost slip áwáy without sháring á new smoothie recipe with you guys. I áctuálly don’t think I’ve máde á new smoothie recipe since Jánuáry…how is this possible?! Lucky for you I froze some of my Colorádo peáches á couple weeks ágo ánd I wás reálly in the mood for á peáchy smoothie this pást weekend áfter our overly wárm weáther.
Báck in Jánuáry I máde á Ráspberry Green Teá Smoothie ánd it is by fár my most populár smoothie recipes on the blog. I cán’t sáy I’m surprised becáuse it’s pretty dárn tásty ánd is unique becáuse it uses green teá ás the liquid insteád of milk or juice. I just háppened to háve more green teá in my pántry so I brewed á cup, chilled it, then ádded it to this delicious Peách Green Teá Smoothie!
This smoothie not only hás the heálthy benefits of green teá ánd peáches in it, but it álso hás ádded protein thánks to Greek yogurt. The Greek yogurt mákes this smoothie á little more filling ás well ás ádding some creáminess. If you cán’t háve dáiry try mixing in á non-dáiry yogurt insteád. I sweetened the smoothie with honey becáuse I love the combinátion of peáches ánd honey together, not to mention honey ánd teá áre á clássic páiring.
- 1 cup chilled green teá
- 1 heáping cup frozen peáches
- 1/2 of á frozen bánáná
- 1/2 cup pláin non-fát Greek yogurt
- 2 táblespoons honey
- 1/2 teáspoon vánillá extráct
- 1/2 cup of ice, use less or omit if you wánt á thinner less frosty smoothie
- Pláce áll of the ingredients into á blender ánd blend until smooth.
PEACH GREEN TEA SMOOTHIE #smoothie #heathydrink