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Friday, October 4, 2019

The Very Best Vanilla Pudding

This is sooooo good! I just used reg white bread & altho I added 4 extra slices, I don't think it was enough because the pudding was a little too mushy for my taste. My fault tho, not the recipe's. If I use reg bread again, I think I would use at least 6 extras, possibly even more.

The vanilla sauce is totally different than other vanilla sauce I've had/made before. It's thicker, like a thinned out pudding, so it kind of spreads over the bread pudding, instead of soaking down into the bread.

It threw me at first but I really liked it! 1 more note, I put mine into a 3 qt dish because that's what I had availble. It baked perfectly in that size, puffing up over the top, but not spilling over & I didn't have to cover it at all, it was perfectly golden. Of course, it deflated while cooling(normal). I'm not sure mine would've fit into a 2 qt dish, as called for in the recipe.

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The Very Best Vanilla Pudding
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