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Friday, October 25, 2019

Cranberry Ice Cream

I made this for my families. it was a great dessert after a filling meal! The stores were out of fresh crannberries so I used a can of whole cranberries, pureeeing them in the blender first, I decreased the amount of sugar to compensate. After it froze, I let it it sit out for about 10 minutes & them used a fork to rake it...getting a nice consistency of ice crystals & served it in glass compotes. It made a very presentation! 

I put it in ice cube trays to freeze and whip with a hand mixer just before serving to fluff it. Add a mint leaf for garnish. Wonderful!What a nice change of pace! I had cranberries in the freezer and was wondering what to do with them. I will be offering this at the Thanksgiving appetizer table as we have only 2 out of the 14 that like the relish, but all will eat cranberries in other things.

Easy to make! I did not strain this; I just blended everything on high to create a smooth consistency. Delicious!


Cranberry Ice Cream
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