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Friday, October 25, 2019

Cranberry Pistachio White Chocolate Truffles

Amazing! These truffles are super rich and oh so delicious. I did add the espresso powder, it gave these a wonderful flavor and really complemented the chocolate. I rolled these in crushed pecans, didn't want to roll them in anything sweet because they are so rich!

Yum! I made these without the espresso powder, and they were delicious. I did modify the preparation, but not the ingredients. I put all of the ingredients in a large pyrex measuring cup and heated in the microwave for 2 or 3 minutes, stirring every 30 sec., until the chocolate was melted and the mixture was smooth. I skipped the 1st refrigeration step and just poured the molten chocolate into candy papers (mini baking cups), then put those in the frig for a couple of hours. Next time I will sprinkle on some nuts or sprinkles before I refrigerate them, and I will also try with a single pecan on top and maybe some mint extract in the recipe.



11 oz. white chocolate - chopped into small pieces
5 Tablespoon unsalted butter
3 Tablespoon heavy cream
pinch of salt
1 teaspoon orange or vanilla extract (optional)
1/3 cup finely chopped dried cranberries
1/3 cup finely chopped toasted pistachio
1/3 cup powdered sugar

  • In a small sauce pan over low-medium heat melt butter, add heavy cream and stir just to combine, then stir in salt (and orange or vanilla extract if desired) and set aside.
  • Over a double boiler melt finely chopped white chocolate, stirring casually until smooth and completely melted. DO NOT over heat the chocolate!!! It takes some time to melt completely, but do not heat above 105 F or the chocolate will separate and be unusable (if touched with finger, it will feel about the same temperature as your body)
  • Remove from heat and using a rubber spatula gently stir in lukewarm mixture of butter and heavy cream into melted chocolate. NOTES!!!Butter and heavy cream mixture should be approximately the same temperature as melted chocolate when you combine them.
  • Stir in finely chopped cranberries and pistachio and let it sit at room temperature for an hour, cover with a plastic wrap pressed on the top of the mixture so a film does not form. Then refrigerate for 2-3 hours (until firm).
  • With a small spoon or a melon baler scoop out the mixture and roll into an inch balls. It might stick to your hands so clean your hands with a paper towel after rolling each ball.
  • Roll each truffle into powdered sugar to coat them well.
  • Store in the fridge in airtight container up to 1 week or freeze for longer storage.

READ MORE >>>>> Cranberry Pistachio White Chocolate Truffles @
Cranberry Pistachio White Chocolate Truffles
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