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Friday, September 13, 2019

Blueberry Banana Protein Smoothie

The present recipe for this Blueberry Banana Protein Smoothie truly began from my best inspiration source: my increasingly energetic kin. For two or three summers in focus and auxiliary school, he worked up a smoothie reliably—constantly with natural item, once in a while with milk, diverse events with yogurt—and they always turned out delectable.

Blueberry Banana Protein Smoothie #drink #healthydrink
Much equivalent to my brother's, this smoothie is incredibly simple to make. You just need 5 fixings, including the ice! I started with two of my most adored regular items, blueberries and bananas. (Regardless of the way that who am I clowning… I treasure all normal item!) Both should be cemented. Cemented bananas add a staggering smoothness to smoothies, so cut up a prepared spotted one on your counter and pop it in the cooler for something close to an hour before making your smoothie.

The gigantic protein help begins from Greek yogurt. Since I heat with it all the time in scones, cupcakes, and that is only the starting, I buy a noteworthy compartment of the plain, nonfat arrangement and scoop out at any rate much I need. Much equivalent to the banana, it incorporates smoothness too!

Blueberry Banana Protein #Smoothie Recipe Smoothie #drink #healthydrink #dessert

Blueberry Banana Protein Smoothie Recipe

Ingredients :

  • ½ c (70g) frozen unsweetened blueberries
  • ½ medium (70g) banana, sliced and frozen
  • ¾ c (180g) plain nonfat Greek yogurt
  • ¾ c (180mL) unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • 2 c (260g) ice cubes

Instructions :

  1. Add all of the ingredients to a blender in the order listed, and pulse until smooth. 
  2. Serve immediately.

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Blueberry Banana Protein Smoothie
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