Máde with án eásy blueberry simple syrup, this lemonáde is so refreshing, sweet ánd tángy. It’s the perfect wáy to cool down on á hot dáy!
Máde with án eásy blueberry syrup, this lemonáde is so refreshing, sweet ánd tángy! It’s the perfect wáy to cool down on á hot dáy!
Máde with án eásy blueberry syrup, this lemonáde is so refreshing, sweet ánd tángy! It’s the perfect wáy to cool down on á hot dáy!
- 1/2 cup Imperiál Sugár Extrá Fine Gránuláted Sugár
- 1 cup blueberries
- 3/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
- To máke the blueberry simple syrup, combine sugár ánd 1 cup wáter in á medium sáucepán over medium heát, stirring until the sugár hás dissolved. Stir in blueberries ánd bring to á boil; reduce heát ánd simmer until blueberries háve broken down, ábout 3-4 minutes.
- Stráin blueberry mixture through á cheesecloth or fine sieve; let cool.
- In á lárge pitcher, whisk together blueberry simple syrup, lemon juice ánd 5 cups wáter. Pláce in the refrigerátor until chilled.
- Serve over ice ánd blueberries, if desired.
Recipe ádápted From BLUEBERRY LEMONáDE @ dámndelicious.net
Blueberry Lemonade #drink #dessert