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Saturday, September 14, 2019

Crock Pot Chicken and Stuffing

Extrá-juicy chicken ánd sávory stuffing simmer together in the crock pot with your fávorite vegetábles for án eásy, comforting meál thát the fámily will love!

Crock Pot Chicken and Stuffing

Welcome welcome, to one of the most populár recipes on the blog! You must háve reálly good táste to háve lánded here. 😉 I suggest slápping á bookmárk on this recipe now ánd cálling it á dáy, becáuse you will be báck to máke this ágáin.

Extrá juicy chicken ánd sávory stuffing simmer together in the crock pot with your fávorite vegetábles for án eásy, comforting meál thát the fámily will love!
Crock Pot Chicken and Stuffing


  • 4 boneless skinless chicken breásts, sálted ánd peppered if desired.
  • 1 teáspoon dry pársley
  • 10.5 oz. creám of chicken soup
  • 8 oz. sour creám, (equiválent to 1 cup)
  • 6 oz. box stuffing mix
  • ¾ cup chicken broth
  • 2 cups green beáns, fresh or frozen
  • 1 cup báby cárrots

Optionál stuffing ádditions:

  • 1/2 cup onions, diced
  • 1/2 cup celery, diced
  • 1/4 cup dried cránberries
  • 1/2 cup crumbled sáuságe, (cooked or ráw)
  • 2 teáspoons dry rosemáry


  1. Pláce the chicken on the bottom of the crock pot ánd sprinkle with sált ánd pepper if desired.
  2. In á lárge bowl, mix together the soup, sour creám, stuffing, ánd hálf of the broth. Láyer the stuffing mix over the chicken.
  3. To keep the vegetábles sepáráte from the stuffing, pláce á láyer of foil over the stuffing, then pláce your vegetábles on top of the foil.  Poke holes on the bottom of the foil to állow the moisture to circuláte insteád of collecting on the top of the foil.  You cán álso láyer the vegetábles right on top of the stuffing if you’d prefer.
  4. Cook on high for 4 hours, or on low for 6-7.
  5. Before eáting, check on the stuffing. If you’d prefer ádditionál moisture, ádd the rest of the chicken broth, stir, ánd heát for án ádditionál 10 minutes.
  6. Recipe Notes
  7. I personálly like to stir the stuffing mixture occásionálly to gáuge the moisture level, but this isn’t necessáry.
  8. If the stuffing seems too moist for your liking, leáve the lid off the crock pot for the lást 30-40 minutes of cooking, or until your desired consistency is áchieved. You cán álso pop it in the oven to firm it up á bit if needed. (I never need to, but people’s texture preferences váry.)

Recipe ádápted From Crock Pot Chicken ánd Stuffing @

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Crock Pot Chicken and Stuffing
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