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Monday, October 7, 2019

Coconut pie crust (gluten-free, grain-free)

This crust was amazing..especially when paired with the Old Fashioned Coconut Cream Pie another reader mentioned. That pie, along with this crust put me on a new level with my husband. Next time, I will double the recipe for the crust for a thicker crust. Amazingly good.

That pie, along with this crust put me on a new level with my husband. Next time, I will double the recipe for the crust for a thicker crust. Amazingly good.

I tried this recipe w/ the modifications that were suggested by Krpayne and it was absolutely an Amazing Coconut Pie. Next time I make it -- I'll use coconut extract instead of vanilla. While the pie was was more egg custardy and not as coconut. I submitted a picture of this pie, it actually came out very pretty, golden brown.

Coconut pie crust (gluten-free, grain-free)
4/ 5